So just a random thought.
I have four projects I am working on right now. One of them is hush hush at the preference of the other person involved. I am writing a novel, Eater of the Damned. That is going slower than I would like as other things keep eating up my time. However it is going. It is a book about a monster hunter that is in many ways a reaction to this tendency to over humanize monsters recently. I am tired of every vampire having a good heart and redeemable soul and werewolves being misunderstood teddy bears. Bram Stoker and others of his time and type got it right. Dracula is a compelling character exactly because he is not human but driven by human drives. The main character of this novel shares my opinions of monsters but in a world where they are real. It is bit of a departure in voice for me because the narrator swears as part of his personality.
Beyond that I am editing two finished novels to attempt publication on them. Not sure if I will attempt the traditional route on the next one or jump straight to self publishing. Anyway one of them, The Last Cowboy, is very long and the beginning of a series I have had in mind since High School. Well it might be better called a prequel. That editing it taking me a long time and is the lead in to my post-apocalyptic world where the epic battle between four sides of good and evil occurs. The editing is taking me a long time.
The other, The Detective, is my first dystopian novel. That edit is going much faster now that I have started it. What I don't know is why. One of my beta readers did edits on Cowboy and I am doing the first pass on the Detective on my own. I also don't have as much personal investment in the Detective though it seems at the moment to be better writing. There is also the fact that I don't want to try and publish Cowboy until I have the second novel in the series at least started. I am spending too much time thinking about this. I should get back to work instead.
So, there are some of those random musings going on in my head. Time to post another story now.
#aboutme #author #commentary #novel #thoughts #writing #currentprojects
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