If you are here please do a search on twitter and/or facebook for #Awethors then follow the people posting it. When you find a link to a book buy it and leave a five star review. Because I said so!
This is a really amazing group of people, all independent authors, and awesome ones at that. If you can't find a book or genre you love amidst us then you are dead inside and the bad guys have already won! If you're not up for buying a book then just send a shout out on twitter or Facebook with the hashtag #Awethors. You are more than welcome to mention me, and my blog and how all around cool I am. Trust me, I won't mind.
Please help us to get this trending! If you are an author and on Facebook then you might consider asking to join the group. If you're an independent, though I would also argue for you with the group owner if you're Stephen King, George RR Martin, or Jim Butcher because you're that cool. Though if you're one of those three and you read my blog why haven't you read and reviewed my book yet? Okay, I'm getting seriously loopy and need sleep.
Again, please help out and get #Awethors trending. This is a group of people who work very hard and do excellent work. If authors going a different route continue to toil in anonymity they may be forced to get day jobs. It's possible they will decide they want yours. Your boss will like them better because I will write it that way. This is bad for everyone! I don't normally soapbox for other people, so you know these guys have impressed me greatly. Thanks for your help.
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